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Genetic Screening

Genetic screening is a process in which DNA, chromosomes, are analyzed in a labroatory or abnormalities. 


One method genetic testing can be applied is to rule out if an individual carries a copy of a mutated gene. The carrier test is performed to determine whether a person carries one copy of an altered gene for a specific genetic disorder. When the mutated gene is inherited in two copies, the disorder is present in an individual. This way of genetic screening is predominantly offered to those who have a family history of genetic disorders. (What Are The Types of Genetic Tests, 2015).  



Another method genetic screening can be used is for forensic purposes. Forensic testing is used by extracting and examining DNA for legal purposes. In contrast to the common genetic screening tests used to determine gene abnormatlities, this specific test is carried out to identify a crime victim and rule out or implicate a crime suspect. (What Are The Types of Genetic Tests, 2015). 







Ethics & Social 

Genetic screening has its pros and cons. Many would assume that becoming aware that you will attain a genetic disorder in a matter of years is an advantage, as you can make little changes in your lifestyle to promosingly slow it down. However, is it really a good thing to know you're lifespan will be shortned and your entire life is going to change in a couple of years? 

The results of genetic testing can lead to many ethical and social imlications, such as the descision of abortion and the ability to attain a job. (Kjono, 1997). 


Having done a prenatal test and the test came back postitive for a specific disorder called trisomy 18. The developmental issues caused by trisomy 18 are associated with medical complications that are potentially life-threatening, 50% of babies who are carried to term will be stillborn. The mother is now put into a situation where she needs to decide whether or not to terminate the pregnancy, as is it moral to know you are going to give birth to a dead baby or is it moral to pursue an abortion? 


Knowing one will eventually inherit a genetic disorder, such as alzheimers, can significantly impact their chances of recieving a job. Employers could deny the job as although the individual is qualified, he/she may not be able to be an efficient worker as they will continue to forget/misplace items, ect. 




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